Concurs Naţional de Mediu, 19.05.2016, National Environmental Competition

La Grădiniţa „Otilia Cazimir” din Baia Mare a avut loc decernarea premiilor la Concursul Naţional de Mediu, din cadrul proiectului „RO02-0013 – Studiu integrat privind contribuţia ecosistemelor din ariile protejate Natura 2000: Pricop-Huta-Certeze şi Tisa Superioară la dezvoltarea durabilă a comunităţilor locale (SIENPHCTS)”. La acest concurs au fost implicate aproximativ 150 cadre didactice. La eveniment au participat profesori, iar sub forma unor acţiuni de voluntariat, s-au implicat inspectori didactici, membri ai asociaţiei Heidenroslein (în calitate de partener de proiect), dar şi cei 250 copii din grădiniţa „Otilia Cazimir”.

On 19 May 2016, “Otilia Cazimir” Kindergarten in Baia Mare hosted the awards ceremony of the National Environmental Competition within the project Integrated Study on the Contribution of Ecosystems in the protected Natura 2000 areas: Pricop-Huta-Certeze and the Upper Tisa to the Sustainable Development of Local Communities (SIENPHCTS). About 150 teachers were involved in this competition. The event was attended by teachers, but also by school inspectors, as volunteers, the members of the Heidenroslein Association (as project partner) and 250 children in “Otilia Cazimir” Kindergarten.