Norwegian Institute for Nature Research




Manager de proiect

CS I Duncan John Halley

Duncan John Halley is B.Sc (Hons) in Psychology with Ecology, and has a PhD in Zoology. His professional work has mainly been in the broad area of how ecology integrates with society and includes experience from around the world. Work has included reintroductions of white-tailed eagles and beavers from Norway to other areas in Europe; reintroduction biology of beaver in cultural landscapes; grazing ecology of deer and sheep in Norway and Japan; movements and behaviour of African buffalo on a protected area/farmed area boundary; and regeneration of woodland following changes in agricultural practices in Norway.


Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
Adresa: P.O. Box 5685 Sluppen, Trondheim, NO-7485, Norvegia
Tel.: 0047 73 801-400




Eivind E. Aronsen

Eivind E. Aronsen is Researcher III at Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. He is B.Sc. in Economy and has a Ph.D. in Electric Power Engeneering awarded by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. His Ph.D. thesis was focused on Modelling of households’ electricity consumption.