SIENPHCTS Project Closing Conference, Cluj-Napoca, 23.01.2017

The closing conference of the RO02-SIENPHCTS project was held in Ambasador Meeting Room of Hotel Napoca in Cluj-Napoca, on the 23rd of January 2017. Some of the project results were presented during the conference, with focus on biodiversity conservation measures in the two Natura 2000 sites, Pricop-Huta Certeze and Upper Tisa. On the one hand, Mr Sabin Bădărău, territorial analyst in the Project Promoter team, presented the challenges generated by the forest and grassland habitats identified both during the field research and during their mapping based on various cartographic sources. On the other hand, a group of young researchers from the Faculty of Geography presented the natural and anthropogenic resources in the two sites, their proximity and how they are valorised in tourism. The two presentations were followed by discussions and conclusions generated by the upcoming project closure.

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